January 18, 2010

  • Tape a PETA member Today LOL

    I really love animals and my pets are like family members, but I don't do vegatarian. If that's your gig,then no prob, but I like my steaks. People like PETA that put animals ahead of human life are freakin aholes though.

    PETA,the same morons that brought you the ad comparing the Holocaust to slaughtering chickens for food and protested to the Palestinian Authority about a donkey killed when terrorists loaded in with explosives to murder people, learned you don't bring your self righteous pompous ass to a biker rally and protest them wearing leather LOLOL


Comments (11)

  • PETA can be freaking ridiculous. Giving vegetarian's like me and bad name. I'm not going to force my views on any one. Everyone knows the facts and it's their choice. Meat upsets my stomach and I honestly just love my veggies etc.

  • Doesn't it bother you to be on the wrong side, there with the 47 insipid commenters falling down laughing and losing control of their bladders over this pathetic attempt at humor. My long experience with scooter trash hasn't exactly placed them in the great-thinkers class. More like petty anti-intellectuals . Oh and closet atavistic jingos. This whole culture, third-rate writers and their sycophants, is to be pitied at best. And I haven't even addressed awareness and respect for all of G-d's creation, not that PETA has much of a clue either. But the least we can do is ignore their babble. Just my opinion

  • @jsolberg - 

    One man's sense of humor is another's moral outrage and, as the saying goes, you can't please everybody.
    However, speaking as a thirty plus year member of the scooter trash culture, who also gives comparative theology lectures, has had articles published in Philadelphia and New York City papers, and served on the board of directors of the satellite branch of Ohr Samayach University of Jerusalem in Philadelphia, I can only quote a phrase attributed to Voltaire, but not actually what he said,  "I disagree with what you have to say, but will fight to the death to protect your right to say it."
    Thanks again for taking a look and have a pleasant day.

  • @SugarH69 - I agree, Sugar.

  • @Hezakiah4 - 

    Important to me to clarify that I was critiquing the prevailing mindset/worldview of the wheeled set peripherally. but my real vitriol is reserved for the simple-minded-though-illiterate internet applause corner. We agree on animal rights, I'd wager. I was the lancaster Co. kid who both butchered the cow and also made jackets no one seemed to wanna wear(?) from their hides. It's just..it's just that I go nuts when I read ditto-head suburbanites wielding mis-spelled maxims. Limbaugh touches his tokhes just thinking about so many 'useful idiots'.
    And your sparkling credentials come as zero suprise to anyone reading the masterful prose you bless us with... on a good day, ha/ Yoni/Kadima. Israel

  • @jsolberg - I have to agree with all this since it explains why inane subjects like the "Octomom" get days,if not weeks, of exposure to placate the masses. My views on animal rights are as stated by halacha, up to and including, feedings one's animals before eating yourself. I never raised any cattle when I lived "in the sticks". I did have a herd of twenty dairy goats though.

    Toda raba,Chizkiyahu

  • @Hezakiah4 - 

    at the risk of transforming your comment section into an IM log, ha: goats are technically cattle, although I found their excrement unacceptably frustrating to shovel. My grudge with holy harleys may go back to being shot at (although missed) 4 times in Buffalo/NY by the sad-sack 'Animals'. All over my inroads into their female 'property'harem. Attempts at high-level rapprochment resembled conversations with planaria. Oh well, I forgive them; they're all dead by now./ Nice to be in touch on this and other issues, my friend, stay warm

  • @jsolberg -  Ok, no IM blog, BUT I just had to reply to this one since I was born and raised in Buffalo,NY. I won't tell my 57 about your undue prejudice due to whom his relatives associated with back in the day.LOL. Be well.

  • @Hezakiah4 - 

    Ha, what a coincidence. My regards to Frank the Fox, who missed me twice, both before and after I put his Mustang in the Niagara River. But that's water over.. the dam, is it? I was in the Falls, house band at Joey Sacco's 'The Club'

  • You both are very smart men. I am looking out for my generation that I am scared to death for. I see little hope in the future for everyone to change for the better. I do respect both of your opinions though.

    "Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." —Albert Einstein

  • @SugarH69 - Thanks,Sugar. I'm the opposite, I guess, because I see great hope for the future in your generation.Where my generation was (ok here comes showing my age)  a stone groove of drugs and free sex and down with the establishment, we really didn't do much except effect the culture to continue the drug use and loose sexual mores' into the 70's and 80's,which led to the apathetic lack of thought for twenty years.Look what a crapfest the 90's and most of the new century's beginning was with that apathy of someone else will vote,or someone else will fix it.

       Yes, your generation looks at it all and is a bit scared of what they are getting handed, but then your generation is also ticked off about how's it's been run. It's your generation that will put the boot to the pundits that are owned by lobbyists and big biz, it's your generation that will tell the government they work for us, not the other way around, it's your generation that will take back America.

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