December 24, 2009

  • Going Paperless My Ass

    Well, the day has officially started with getting up,walking the worthless dog and getting the standard replacement of ," I need breakfast.", in lieu of good morning from the kid .Settling down to scope out my emails,low and behold, another of the "Go paperless" messages from the many institutions whose little plastic cards of financial death I store for them in my wallet.

    While I support trying to keep the mud ball we live on at least somewhat clean and even go through the city mandated weekly ritual of separating my recyclables so they can come and dump them willy nilly into the back of a regular garbage truck, I REFUSE to go paperless with the credit card companies.

    Why is this,you may ask? After most of them getting bailed out by my taxes to cover their inate greed at the top of the corporate food chain's paycheck bonanza and the inept practices of sending out a billion, "You've been Pre-approved" cards to anyone and everyone, they decided to get even more by kicking up the interest rates on the working slobs of this country that now pay for the deadbeats that got the cards ,maxed them out, and tossed them in the trash.Nothing like getting  "rewarded"  for paying your damn bill on time by having your card rate go from twelve percent to twenty.You call to find out why and get told,"It's because you have a revolving balance." Know what that means? It means you don't pay your card off a hundred percent every month. If I wanted to put out the cash every month for what I buy,WTF do I need with a credit card? Just pay cash or use my damn debit card.

     Stop getting paper statements so their profit margins can go even higher by cutting their expense to send them out, while they put a stranglehold on my wallet and keep up doing the same crap they did to sink the economy to pay for their screw ups?!?

    Pffffttt ! Bite me.